When thinking of the best family vacation ideas, it often means factoring in a lot of different likes and dislikes. Parents know well the unhappiness that can occur if one in the group is miserable during a specific activity. As an example, the afternoon at an air or auto museum that an older child has […]
Are you at home like the vast majority of travelers? With travel restrictions or bans in place for most of the world, now is the moment to give your time to planning to travel once it is safe to do so. Where will you want to go? We have a perfect suggestion, and it is […]
Spring break is a tradition being honored in many parts of the world. And whether it is defined as a holiday that a group of college-age people enjoy or a family break in the glorious spring weather, it is best when it involves the ideal spring break destinations for everyone. Traditionally, the typical places to […]
With its famous Pitons making it one of the most visually stunning islands in the Caribbean, St. Lucia also stands apart for its innovative cuisine. As one expert explained, “from rollicking local fish fries and casual beachside meals to candlelit dinners with views of the Pitons,” it can be an authentic foodie paradise. St Lucia […]
Heading to the Caribbean might make you think you are about to be surrounded by lush tropical landscapes bursting with flowers and fragrance, but like all other parts of the world, the Caribbean region also has a time of flowering plants and trees, and a down time when there are few flowers to be found. […]
Though headlines seem to focus on failed music events in the Caribbean region, there is a huge list of annual events that draw thousands every year. Some are just getting off to a strong start and others are long-established. If you are considering a late winter or even summer getaway to the Caribbean, and you’d […]
Ask the world’s travel experts for advice about ideal family vacation options and vacation rentals, and many would say that it is imperative that consumers “do the math” before making a choice. And what do they mean by the math? According to one expert cited in USA Today, it is too easy to overlook the […]
We may be reaching the peak of the Christmas holiday season and making plans for the New Year’s celebrations. After that, many of us think of the coming months as quieter times to just deal with the winter weather, whether that means lots of dreary and grey days or lots of snow and ice. However, […]
Would it surprise you to learn that more than 28 million travelers visit the Caribbean region every year? It is unfortunate, though, that so many think of it under the umbrella heading of “Caribbean region,” because each of the islands and nations found there is utterly unique and well worth a visit. The region encounters […]
Noted for its amazing food, nature activities and hiking trails (after all, it is home to the Pitons), St. Lucia is also a fabulous spot for beach enthusiasts. While those who like to lounge along silky white sands and gaze out at turquoise waters will certainly find many wonderful spots to enjoy this activity, snorkeling […]